medical records retrieval services

Medical Records Retrieval is a Company developed to streamline and simplify the collecting of medical records, while providing the cost-savings to clients.

Medical Records Retrieval performs a variety of document retrievals as well as summarizing services. Our staff of professionals is prepared to assist your office in obtaining all types of records required for your litigation needs. Our professionals are prepared to efficiently and professionally handle all requests, whether big or small.

You can trust that we will follow all of the necessary regulations surrounding the collecting of medical records. There is no doubt that industry expectations are rising and many professionals have turned to Medical Records Retrieval to provide the edge needed in today’s complex litigation.

Documents can be delivered to your office as they are received (by provider or institution), or can be processed and forwarded as a set. Absent extraordinary circumstances, all record requests are generally processed and delivered to your office within 3-4 weeks.

In addition to document retrieval, Medical Records Retrieval offers only the highest quality medical summarizing. All medical summarizing is supervised by board certified physicians (not nurses or paralegals) who, if desired, will tailor the summaries to meet your specific litigation needs. Read on in “Medical Summarizing” to learn more about how our team of summarizers can assist you with all your medical/litigation needs.
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